Helping students get creative in 2018

Helping students get creative in 2018

No business exists in a vacuum. And as the people and businesses in our community prosper, it tends to help us all.

That’s why we take the time to big up all the great local businesses we work with. It’s also why we run our Eden Student Design Project every year.

The project is all about giving graphic design students the chance to set their imaginations free. Each year we brew a special range of beers, pumped full of flavour, and invite final year graphic design students at University of Cumbria to create the artwork for the cans.


Linda and Jason getting to know students at Cumbria Uni.

We’ll use the most imaginative and vibrant designs on our final range of cans. These will go on sale at Tebay and Gloucester Services, as well as other retailers across the country. It’s the best way we can think of to help give students some really valuable experience - and hopefully a leg-up into their careers as well.

What do we get out of it? Some fantastic can designs and the chance to do what we love and challenge ourselves to explore new levels of flavour in beer.

Jason and Linda briefed the students on the project last week and we’ll have the first products on sale in the spring.

As always, we’ll keep you up to date as we work hard to create beers exciting enough to do justice to the students’ stunning designs.

You can check out what happened in last year’s project here.

To keep up with all the news from Eden just sign up to our newsletter.


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